
# Bestandsextensie Volledige bestandsnaam
1 Bestandsextensie $01 MS-DOS Pipe Format
2 Bestandsextensie 11 IBM Voice Type Languages Scripts Data
3 Bestandsextensie 19 IBM Voice Type Languages Scripts Data
4 Bestandsextensie 2CLK Frontier Script Format
5 Bestandsextensie 3DFBAT 3DField Command
6 Bestandsextensie 3RF Advent 3B2 Extensions Script Cross Reference
7 Bestandsextensie 4DB 4th Dimension Database Structure Format
8 Bestandsextensie 4GE IBM Informix 4GL Compiled Source Code
9 Bestandsextensie 4GL Informix 4GL Language Source Code
10 Bestandsextensie 4PK Perfect Keyboard Macro Set
11 Bestandsextensie A Static Library
12 Bestandsextensie A2W Alice World
13 Bestandsextensie A3C Alan V3 Adventure Code Data Format
14 Bestandsextensie A5R Adobe Authorware Packaged Format Without Runtime
15 Bestandsextensie A66 µVision Assembler Source
16 Bestandsextensie A86 A86 Assembly Language Source Code
17 Bestandsextensie AAH Amazingly Abstracted HTML Document Format
18 Bestandsextensie ABL ABEL Hardware Description Language
19 Bestandsextensie ACGI ACGI Script (WWW)
20 Bestandsextensie ACTIONSCRIPT Adobe Flash ActionScript Data Format
21 Bestandsextensie ACTPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Visual SourceSafe ACT Project
22 Bestandsextensie ACTX DS Game Maker Action Description Format
23 Bestandsextensie ACU Machine Independent COBOL Object
24 Bestandsextensie ADA Ada Source Code
25 Bestandsextensie ADDIN Visual Studio Add-in Definition Format
26 Bestandsextensie ADIUMSCRIPTS Adium AppleScripts
27 Bestandsextensie ADS Ada Specification Format
28 Bestandsextensie AEM Alphacam Wire EDM Parameter Macro
29 Bestandsextensie AFB Alphacam Flame VB Macro
30 Bestandsextensie AGC Compiled Script
31 Bestandsextensie AGI Asterisk Gateway Interface Format
32 Bestandsextensie AGLS Adobe GoLive Snippet
33 Bestandsextensie AGO Autolog Script
34 Bestandsextensie AGS AfterGRASP Script
35 Bestandsextensie AHTML HTML
36 Bestandsextensie AIDL AIDL Interface
37 Bestandsextensie AIML Artificial Intelligence Markup Language Format
38 Bestandsextensie AIRI Adobe AIR Intermediate
39 Bestandsextensie AKT Aksharamala Keymap Source
40 Bestandsextensie ALAN Alan V3 Source Code Format
41 Bestandsextensie ALB Alpha Five Library
42 Bestandsextensie AM Automake Makefile Template
43 Bestandsextensie AM4 AutoPlay Media Studio 4 Project Format
44 Bestandsextensie AM5 AutoPlay Media Studio 5 Project Format
45 Bestandsextensie AM6 AutoPlay Media Studio 6 Project
46 Bestandsextensie AM7 AutoPlay Media Studio 7 Project
47 Bestandsextensie AMOS AMOS Basic Code
48 Bestandsextensie AMW Alcorn McBride Show Controller
49 Bestandsextensie ANE Adobe AIR Native Extension
50 Bestandsextensie ANJUTA Anjuta IDE Project Format
51 Bestandsextensie AP? LoseThos C+ Source
52 Bestandsextensie APA RSView Application Manager Archive
53 Bestandsextensie APB Alphacam Punch VB Macro
54 Bestandsextensie APG APGen Script
55 Bestandsextensie API_FILTERS Eclipse API Settings
56 Bestandsextensie APLT Mac OS X AppleScript Applet
57 Bestandsextensie APPCACHE HTML5 Cache Manifest
58 Bestandsextensie APPLET Eclipse Java Applet Policy Format
59 Bestandsextensie APPX Windows 8 App Package
60 Bestandsextensie APPXMANIFEST Windows Store App Source Manifest
61 Bestandsextensie APPXSYM Windows 8 App Package Symbols Format
62 Bestandsextensie APPXUPLOAD Windows 8 App Upload Package
63 Bestandsextensie APS Visual C++ Resource Format
64 Bestandsextensie AP_ ADT Android Developer Package
65 Bestandsextensie ARB Alphacam Router VB Macro
66 Bestandsextensie ARMX ASP.NET Source
67 Bestandsextensie ARNOLDC ArnoldC Source Code Format
68 Bestandsextensie ARQ BSM Action Request System Client Macro
69 Bestandsextensie ARSC Google Android Resource Format
70 Bestandsextensie ARTPROJ Artifacts Project
71 Bestandsextensie ARXML AUTOSAR XML
72 Bestandsextensie ARY SmartStart Scripting Toolkit
73 Bestandsextensie AS ActionScript Format
74 Bestandsextensie AS2PROJ FlashDevelop Project Format
75 Bestandsextensie AS3PROJ FlashDevelop ActionScript 3 Project Format
76 Bestandsextensie AS? LoseThos Assembly Source
77 Bestandsextensie ASBX Microsoft ASP.Net BridgeHandler
78 Bestandsextensie ASCS ActionScript Communication Server Format
79 Bestandsextensie ASDB Asphyre Sphinx Archive Format
80 Bestandsextensie ASI Alpha Five Variable Format
81 Bestandsextensie ASIC ASIC Source
82 Bestandsextensie ASM Assembler Source Code Format
83 Bestandsextensie ASP+ ASP.NET ASP+
84 Bestandsextensie ASPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Analysis Services Project
85 Bestandsextensie ASTA Astah Project Format
86 Bestandsextensie ASTX Adobe Story Exported Script
87 Bestandsextensie ASVF Asphyre Sphinx Archive Format
88 Bestandsextensie ASZ LoseThos Assembly Source
89 Bestandsextensie ATMN Automation Anywhere Macro
90 Bestandsextensie ATOMSVC Atom Syndication Format Format Format
91 Bestandsextensie AU3 AutoIt V3 Script
92 Bestandsextensie AU? LoseThos Autofile
93 Bestandsextensie AUT AutoIt Script Format
94 Bestandsextensie AUTOPLAY AutoPlay Media Studio Project Format
95 Bestandsextensie AUTOSAVE GDevelop Autosave Format
96 Bestandsextensie AVSI Avisynth Script
97 Bestandsextensie AWK AWK Script
98 Bestandsextensie AXS ActiveX Script
99 Bestandsextensie B24 Ovation Pro For RISC OS C Script
100 Bestandsextensie B2D Brutus2D Source Code
101 Bestandsextensie BAL Borland Programming Language Source Code
102 Bestandsextensie BAS BASIC Source Code Format
103 Bestandsextensie BASEX BaseX Data Format
104 Bestandsextensie BASH Unix Shell Script (bash)
105 Bestandsextensie BAX Bluebeam Revu Markup Document Format
106 Bestandsextensie BB Blitz Source Code Format
107 Bestandsextensie BBC BBC BASIC Data Format
108 Bestandsextensie BBF ScriptBasic Binary
109 Bestandsextensie BBPROJECT BBEdit Project Format
110 Bestandsextensie BBPROJECTD BBEdit Project Document
111 Bestandsextensie BCP Borland C++ Makefile
112 Bestandsextensie BDH Silk Performer Include
113 Bestandsextensie BDSPROJ BDS Project Format
114 Bestandsextensie BET BETA Source Format
115 Bestandsextensie BETA Beta Programming Language Source Code Format
116 Bestandsextensie BGM Basic4GL 3D Object
117 Bestandsextensie BHS Rise Of Nations Script
118 Bestandsextensie BI Microsoft Visual Basic For DOS Include
119 Bestandsextensie BIN_ Emu8086 Assembly Source Code Format
120 Bestandsextensie BLTX BlaTeX Source Code Format
121 Bestandsextensie BMO SIMATIC WinCC Script
122 Bestandsextensie BORLAND Borland C Makefile
123 Bestandsextensie BP DataFlex Business Process Object
124 Bestandsextensie BPG Borland Project Group
125 Bestandsextensie BPO DataFlex Business Process Object
126 Bestandsextensie BPR Borland C++Builder Project Format
127 Bestandsextensie BRX BREW Application Resource Format
128 Bestandsextensie BS2 BASIC Stamp 2 Code Format
129 Bestandsextensie BSC Visual Studio Source Browser Information Format
130 Bestandsextensie BSH BeanShell Script
131 Bestandsextensie BSV Bluespec System Verilog
132 Bestandsextensie BTE BTEWin Script Format
133 Bestandsextensie BTPROJ Microsoft BizTalk Server Project Format
134 Bestandsextensie BTQ Teradata Database Query Script Format
135 Bestandsextensie BUFFEREDIMAGE Java Class
136 Bestandsextensie BUILD NAnt Build Tool
137 Bestandsextensie BUILDER Builder Script
138 Bestandsextensie BUILDPATH Eclipse XML Build Path Format
139 Bestandsextensie BUR BuRg3r Source Code Format
140 Bestandsextensie BXB BasicX Compiled Project Bytecode
141 Bestandsextensie BXML Bean XML
142 Bestandsextensie BXP BasicX-24 Basic Express Compiler Module List
143 Bestandsextensie BZS BlueZone Script
144 Bestandsextensie C C/C++ Source Code Format
145 Bestandsextensie C# Microsoft Visual C#
146 Bestandsextensie C++ C++ Source Code
147 Bestandsextensie C-- Sphinx C-- Language Source Code
148 Bestandsextensie C3P XPanel Project Format
149 Bestandsextensie CAPFILE Ruby Capistrano Instruction
150 Bestandsextensie CAPROJ Construct Project Format
151 Bestandsextensie CAPX Construct Compressed Project Format
152 Bestandsextensie CATSCRIPT CATIA Script Format
153 Bestandsextensie CATVBS CATIA Script Format
154 Bestandsextensie CBL COBOL Source Code Format
155 Bestandsextensie CBP Code::Blocks Project Format
156 Bestandsextensie CBQ StarOS Script
157 Bestandsextensie CC C++ Source Code Format
158 Bestandsextensie CCBJS CopperCube JavaScript Scene
159 Bestandsextensie CCGAME XNA Creators Club Game Package
160 Bestandsextensie CCN Multimedia Fusion Development Format
161 Bestandsextensie CCPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Cloud Service Project Format
162 Bestandsextensie CCSCC ClearCase Source Control Info Format
163 Bestandsextensie CCXML Call Control EXtensible Markup Language
164 Bestandsextensie CD Visual Studio Class Diagram
165 Bestandsextensie CDPROJ CppDepend Project Format
166 Bestandsextensie CESF Ultra TC Configuration Editor Script Format
167 Bestandsextensie CFC ColdFusion Component Format
168 Bestandsextensie CFI CleverForm Script
169 Bestandsextensie CFO Turbo C Utilities C Form Object
170 Bestandsextensie CGVP NVidia Cg Programming Language XML
171 Bestandsextensie CGX ARM RL-TCPnet HTTP Web Server XML Web Page Update Script
172 Bestandsextensie CHAM Compiled HAM Format
173 Bestandsextensie CHEF Chef Source Code Format
174 Bestandsextensie CHH C++ Header
175 Bestandsextensie CK ChucK Source Code Format
176 Bestandsextensie CKBX Cricket Audio XML Bank Description Format
177 Bestandsextensie CKM Creation Kit Macro Format
178 Bestandsextensie CLA Clarion For DOS Source Code
179 Bestandsextensie CLASS Java Class Format
180 Bestandsextensie CLASSPATH Eclipse IDE JAVA Project Related
181 Bestandsextensie CLIPS Coda Clips Format
182 Bestandsextensie CLJ Clojure Source Code
183 Bestandsextensie CLJS ClojureScript Script Format
184 Bestandsextensie CLOJURE Clojure Source Code Format
185 Bestandsextensie CLW Visual C++ ClassWizard Format
186 Bestandsextensie CMAKE CMake Module
187 Bestandsextensie COB COBOL Source Code Format
188 Bestandsextensie COBOL Micro-Focus Cobol Data Format
189 Bestandsextensie COD Compiled Source Code
190 Bestandsextensie COMMON Unix Script
191 Bestandsextensie COM_ Emu8086 Assembly Source Code Format
192 Bestandsextensie CONFIG Configuration Format
193 Bestandsextensie CONFIGURE Bash
194 Bestandsextensie CORD Microsoft Visual Studio Script Format
195 Bestandsextensie COVERAGE Microsoft Visual Studio Code Coverage
196 Bestandsextensie COVERAGEXML Microsoft Visual Studio Code Coverage
197 Bestandsextensie CP Xcode C++ Source Format
198 Bestandsextensie CP? LoseThos C+ Source
199 Bestandsextensie CPB Comicino Studio Project Format
200 Bestandsextensie CPHD CloudChan Pre-processed Hypertext Document Format
201 Bestandsextensie CPLIST GNU Makefile Format
202 Bestandsextensie CPP C++ Source Code Format
203 Bestandsextensie CPRR Adobe Captivate XML Script
204 Bestandsextensie CPZ LoseThos C+ Source
205 Bestandsextensie CR CRiSP Source Code
206 Bestandsextensie CREOLE Creole Source
207 Bestandsextensie CRYPROJECT CryENGINE Project Format
208 Bestandsextensie CS Visual C# Source Code Format
209 Bestandsextensie CSB Corel PHOTO-PAINT Script
210 Bestandsextensie CSGRAD Microsoft Visual Studio Gradients
211 Bestandsextensie CSHRC UNIX Command
212 Bestandsextensie CSI ContentServ Include Format
213 Bestandsextensie CSML Chemical Style Markup Language
214 Bestandsextensie CSN Adobe Code Snippet Document
215 Bestandsextensie CSON CoffeeScript Object Notation Format
216 Bestandsextensie CSPKG Microsoft Windows Azure Package Format
217 Bestandsextensie CSPROJ Visual Studio C# Project
218 Bestandsextensie CSVIEW Microsoft Visual Studio Views
219 Bestandsextensie CSX Visual C# Script
220 Bestandsextensie CTL Visual Basic UserControl Object Format
221 Bestandsextensie CTP CakePHP Template
222 Bestandsextensie CTXT BlueJ Context Format
223 Bestandsextensie CU CUDA Source Code Format
224 Bestandsextensie CUH CUDA Header Format
225 Bestandsextensie CUO CUDA Object Format
226 Bestandsextensie CVSRC TortoiseCVS CVS Command
227 Bestandsextensie CX CodeMapper Script
228 Bestandsextensie CXE Common XML Envelope
229 Bestandsextensie CXP CX-Programmer Project Format
230 Bestandsextensie CXX C++ Source Code Format
231 Bestandsextensie CYA Cyana Macro
232 Bestandsextensie C__ C++ Source Code
233 Bestandsextensie D D Source Code Format
234 Bestandsextensie D4 Dataphor Source
235 Bestandsextensie DABRIEFCASE RemObjects Data Abstract Format Briefcase
236 Bestandsextensie DACONFIG RemObjects Data Abstract Configuration Format
237 Bestandsextensie DAEMONSCRIPT Daemon Tools Script
238 Bestandsextensie DATASOURCE Microsoft Visual Studio Data Source
239 Bestandsextensie DB2TBL Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 Table Script
240 Bestandsextensie DB2TR Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 Trigger Script
241 Bestandsextensie DB2VW Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 View Script
242 Bestandsextensie DBHEADER Download Boost Header
243 Bestandsextensie DBML Visual Studio OR Design Format
244 Bestandsextensie DBO DarkBASIC Object
245 Bestandsextensie DBP Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Database Project
246 Bestandsextensie DBPRO DarkBASIC Professional Project Format
247 Bestandsextensie DBPROJ Visual Studio Database Project Format
248 Bestandsextensie DCPROJ Dashcode Project
249 Bestandsextensie DCU Delphi Compiled Unit
250 Bestandsextensie DCUIL Delphi .NET Compiled Unit Format
251 Bestandsextensie DDP Delphi Diagram Portfolio Format
252 Bestandsextensie DEC Declaration Format
253 Bestandsextensie DEF Module-Definition Format
254 Bestandsextensie DEP Windows Dependency Format
255 Bestandsextensie DEPEND Code::Blocks Dependencies Format
256 Bestandsextensie DEPLOYPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Deployment Project Format
257 Bestandsextensie DEVELOPERPROFILE Xcode Developer Profile
258 Bestandsextensie DEVICEIDS Device Identification FIle
259 Bestandsextensie DEVPAK Dev-C++ Developer Package
260 Bestandsextensie DEX Dalvik Executable Format
261 Bestandsextensie DF1 Omnis Native Datafile
262 Bestandsextensie DFB Data Flask Formula
263 Bestandsextensie DFD ABC Programming Language Dyadic Functions Data Format
264 Bestandsextensie DFK Dark Flow Project Format
265 Bestandsextensie DFM Delphi Form
266 Bestandsextensie DFN Delphi Definition
267 Bestandsextensie DG Source Code For A Dialog Box
268 Bestandsextensie DGML Visual Studio Directed Graph Document
269 Bestandsextensie DGSCRIPT DigiGuide Script Format
270 Bestandsextensie DGSL Visual Shader Graph Format
271 Bestandsextensie DI D Programming Language Source Code
272 Bestandsextensie DIFF Diff Source
273 Bestandsextensie DJG DJGPP Compiler Makefile
274 Bestandsextensie DM1 ER/Studio Data Model Format
275 Bestandsextensie DMD SQL Developer Data Modeler Format
276 Bestandsextensie DOB Visual Basic UserDocument
277 Bestandsextensie DOCSET Doxygen Document Set Format
278 Bestandsextensie DOCSTATES Microsoft Visual Studio Document Tab Well
279 Bestandsextensie DOX Visual Basic Binary UserDocument
280 Bestandsextensie DPJ Borland Delphi Project
281 Bestandsextensie DPK Delphi Package
282 Bestandsextensie DPKW Delphi Package
283 Bestandsextensie DPL Delphi Package Library
284 Bestandsextensie DPLT AppleScript Droplet
285 Bestandsextensie DPQ Clarion
286 Bestandsextensie DPR Delphi Project
287 Bestandsextensie DPROJ Delphi Project
288 Bestandsextensie DRES Delphi Compiled Resource Format
289 Bestandsextensie DSGM DS Game Maker Project
290 Bestandsextensie DSP Visual C++ 6 Project
291 Bestandsextensie DSQ Corel Query Language
292 Bestandsextensie DTD Document Type Definition Format
293 Bestandsextensie DTML Zope Document Template Markup Language
294 Bestandsextensie DTO Directory Toolkit Output
295 Bestandsextensie DYLIB Mach-O Dynamic Library
296 Bestandsextensie E EiffelStudio Source
297 Bestandsextensie EAF ELAN Annotation Format
298 Bestandsextensie EBC MediaBASIC Compiled Project
299 Bestandsextensie EBX Rational Rose 98 Compiled Script
300 Bestandsextensie ECORE Kermeta Ecore Diagram
301 Bestandsextensie ECOREDIAG Kermeta Ecore Diagram Information
302 Bestandsextensie ECP EasyC Project Format
303 Bestandsextensie EDM Adobe Extension Data Markup Language Format
304 Bestandsextensie EDML Adobe Extension Data Markup Language Document
305 Bestandsextensie EDMX ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer Format
306 Bestandsextensie EFSS Effective Format Search Script Format
307 Bestandsextensie EGG-INFO Python Egg
308 Bestandsextensie EJS Embedded JavaScript Template
309 Bestandsextensie EKM EXP Macro
310 Bestandsextensie EL Emacs Lisp Code Format
311 Bestandsextensie ELC Emacs Compiled Lisp Format
312 Bestandsextensie EMA EPLAN Macro Format
313 Bestandsextensie EMAKEFILE Erlang Make
314 Bestandsextensie EMAKERFILE Erlang Make
315 Bestandsextensie ENT External Entity
316 Bestandsextensie ENTITLEMENTS Mac App Sandboxing Entitlements Format
317 Bestandsextensie EPHTML Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML
318 Bestandsextensie ERB Ruby ERB Script
319 Bestandsextensie ERL Erlang Source Code Format
320 Bestandsextensie ERUBIS Erubis Script
321 Bestandsextensie EV3P LEGO MINDSTORMS Program
322 Bestandsextensie EW Euphoria Source Code Format
323 Bestandsextensie EXE_ Emu8086 Assembly Source Code Format
324 Bestandsextensie EXP Symbols Export Format
325 Bestandsextensie EXPRWDXSL Microsoft Expression Web Sheet Format
326 Bestandsextensie EXSD Eclipse IDE Extension Point Schema
327 Bestandsextensie EXU Euphoria For Linux Source Code
328 Bestandsextensie EXW Euphoria Source Code Format
329 Bestandsextensie EZE ErZorScript Source
330 Bestandsextensie F Fortran Source Code
331 Bestandsextensie F03 Fortran Source Code Format
332 Bestandsextensie F90 Fortran 90 Source Code Format
333 Bestandsextensie F95 Fortran 95 Language Source Code
334 Bestandsextensie FACES JavaServer Faces FacesServlet Page Format
335 Bestandsextensie FACTORYPATH Eclipse Factorypath
336 Bestandsextensie FBP WxFormBuilder Project
337 Bestandsextensie FBP6 FinalBuilder XML Project Format
338 Bestandsextensie FBP7 FinalBuilder 7 Project
339 Bestandsextensie FBZ6 FinalBuilder Compressed Project
340 Bestandsextensie FBZ7 Compressed FinalBuilder 7 Project
341 Bestandsextensie FCG FastCGI Script
342 Bestandsextensie FCMACRO FreeCAD Macro Format
343 Bestandsextensie FDML Forms Definition Markup Language
344 Bestandsextensie FDO ModelSim Script Format
345 Bestandsextensie FEATURE SharePoint Feature Format
346 Bestandsextensie FGB Valve SDK Source
347 Bestandsextensie FGL Fifth Generation Language Source Format
348 Bestandsextensie FILTERS Visual C++ Project Filters Format
349 Bestandsextensie FIMPP FiM++ Source Code Format
350 Bestandsextensie FLA Adobe Flash Animation
351 Bestandsextensie FOR Fortran 77 Source Format
352 Bestandsextensie FORM Java Form
353 Bestandsextensie FORTH Forth Source Code
354 Bestandsextensie FOUNTAIN Fountain Syntax
355 Bestandsextensie FPM FPS Creator Map Format
356 Bestandsextensie FPP Fortran Source Code
357 Bestandsextensie FRAMEWORK Mac OS X Application Framework
358 Bestandsextensie FRJ FreeForm-J Project Format
359 Bestandsextensie FRX Visual Basic Binary Form Format
360 Bestandsextensie FS Visual F# Source Format
361 Bestandsextensie FSI Visual F# Signature Format
362 Bestandsextensie FSPROJ Visual F# Project Format
363 Bestandsextensie FSSCRIPT Visual F# Script
364 Bestandsextensie FSX Visual F# Script Format
365 Bestandsextensie FTL FreeMarker Template Format
366 Bestandsextensie FTN Fortran Source Code Format
367 Bestandsextensie FUS GURU Uninstall Script
368 Bestandsextensie FWACTION Freeway Pro Action Data Format
369 Bestandsextensie FWACTIONB Freeway Pro Action Bundle Format
370 Bestandsextensie FWX FoxWeb Script
371 Bestandsextensie FXC FilePackager Configuration
372 Bestandsextensie FXCPROJ FX Composer Project Format
373 Bestandsextensie FXL FaceFX Language Format
374 Bestandsextensie FXML Oracle FXML Language Source Code
375 Bestandsextensie FXPL Adobe Flash FXP Library
376 Bestandsextensie FZS FilZip Backup Script Format
377 Bestandsextensie GAMEPROJ GameSalad Project Format
378 Bestandsextensie GAR GridGain Archive
379 Bestandsextensie GBAP GLBasic Project Format
380 Bestandsextensie GBAS GLBasic Source Format
381 Bestandsextensie GBL Microsoft Visual Basic Global Definition
382 Bestandsextensie GC3 Golden Common Lisp Source Code
383 Bestandsextensie GCH C++ Precompiled Header
384 Bestandsextensie GCODE G-code Source
385 Bestandsextensie GDFMAKERPROJECT GDF Editor Project Format
386 Bestandsextensie GDG GDevelop Project Format
387 Bestandsextensie GEANY Geany Project Format
388 Bestandsextensie GEMFILE Ruby RubyGems
389 Bestandsextensie GEMSPEC Gem Specification Format
390 Bestandsextensie GENERICTEST Microsoft Visual Studio Generic Test
391 Bestandsextensie GENMODEL Eclipse IDE Domain Gen Model
392 Bestandsextensie GFA GFA-BASIC Tokenized Source
393 Bestandsextensie GHC Visual Basic Constant Map
394 Bestandsextensie GHP GitHub Enterprise Software Package Format
395 Bestandsextensie GIT Git Repository
396 Bestandsextensie GITIGNORE Git Ignore Format
397 Bestandsextensie GLADE Glade Project Format
398 Bestandsextensie GLD MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script Format
399 Bestandsextensie GLOBAL Global Makefile
400 Bestandsextensie GM GameMonkey Script
401 Bestandsextensie GM6 Game Maker 6 Project Format
402 Bestandsextensie GM81 Game Maker 8.1 Project Format
403 Bestandsextensie GMD Game Maker Program Code
404 Bestandsextensie GMK Game Maker Project Format
405 Bestandsextensie GMO GNU Machine Object Format
406 Bestandsextensie GNT Micro Focus COBOL Generated Code
407 Bestandsextensie GNUMAKEFILE GNU Makefile
408 Bestandsextensie GO Google Go Programming Language Source Code
409 Bestandsextensie GOC GEOS GOC Source Code
410 Bestandsextensie GORM Gorm Interface Resource Format
411 Bestandsextensie GRADLE Android Studio Build Data Format
412 Bestandsextensie GREENFOOT Greenfoot Project
413 Bestandsextensie GROOVY Groovy Source Code Format
414 Bestandsextensie GROUPPROJ Delphi Project Group Format
415 Bestandsextensie GRXML Grammar
416 Bestandsextensie GS Google Apps Script
417 Bestandsextensie GS3 GameStarter Format
418 Bestandsextensie GSK Geocaching Swiss Army Knife Macro Format
419 Bestandsextensie GSPROJ GameSalad Windows Project Format
420 Bestandsextensie GSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
421 Bestandsextensie GSZIP GameSalad Marketplace Asset Format
422 Bestandsextensie GUS Universal Score Poster Script
423 Bestandsextensie GVY Groovy Source Code Format
424 Bestandsextensie GYP Google Chromium GYP Input Configuration
425 Bestandsextensie GYPI Chrome/Chromium Include
426 Bestandsextensie H C/C++/Objective-C Header Format
427 Bestandsextensie H++ Unusual C++ Header
428 Bestandsextensie H5BPRJ RAD Studio HTML5 Builder Project Format
429 Bestandsextensie H86 CP/M
430 Bestandsextensie HAL HansaWorld Application Language Format
431 Bestandsextensie HAML HTML Abstraction Markup Language
432 Bestandsextensie HAS Haskell Script
433 Bestandsextensie HAY Haydee Web Server Module Format
434 Bestandsextensie HBM Hibernate Script
435 Bestandsextensie HBS JavaScript Handlebars.js Template Format
436 Bestandsextensie HBZ StarMoney Macro
437 Bestandsextensie HC Header Data Format
438 Bestandsextensie HCF Compact Ham Library
439 Bestandsextensie HCW HTML Help Workshop Conversion Wizard Macro
440 Bestandsextensie HEI Heitml Source Code Format
441 Bestandsextensie HEMCR HippoEDIT Macro Format
442 Bestandsextensie HEVBS HippoEDIT VB Script Format
443 Bestandsextensie HH C++ Header Format
444 Bestandsextensie HHH Power C Precompiled Header Format
445 Bestandsextensie HIC HicEst Script
446 Bestandsextensie HISTORY Eclipse IDE Local History
447 Bestandsextensie HKP Mentor Graphics Database Format
448 Bestandsextensie HLA High Level Assembler Source
449 Bestandsextensie HP? LoseThos C+ Header
450 Bestandsextensie HPF High Performance Fortran Format
451 Bestandsextensie HPP C++ Header Format
452 Bestandsextensie HRL Erlang Header Format
453 Bestandsextensie HS Haskell Script
454 Bestandsextensie HSE Adobe Dreamweaver Snippet
455 Bestandsextensie HT4 HTML Version 4
456 Bestandsextensie HTR Microsoft Windows NT Password Services Script
457 Bestandsextensie HX Haxe Source Code
458 Bestandsextensie HXML HaXe Make
459 Bestandsextensie HXP HaXe Project
460 Bestandsextensie HXPROJ FlashDevelop Flash Project
461 Bestandsextensie HXX C++ Source Code Header Format
462 Bestandsextensie HYDRA Hydra Image Filter Program Format
463 Bestandsextensie H__ C++ Header
464 Bestandsextensie I Visual Studio Intermediate Format
465 Bestandsextensie IADACTION IAd Producer Action Template Format
466 Bestandsextensie IADCLASS IAd Producer Class Description Format
467 Bestandsextensie IADPAGE IAd Producer Page Template Format
468 Bestandsextensie IADPROJ IAd Producer Project Format
469 Bestandsextensie IADSTYLE IAd Producer Style Template Format
470 Bestandsextensie IAP Iguana Active Server Active Page Script Format
471 Bestandsextensie IDB Visual Studio Intermediate Debug Format
472 Bestandsextensie IDE Borland C++ Project Format
473 Bestandsextensie IDL Interface Definition Language Format
474 Bestandsextensie IDLE IDle Script Format
475 Bestandsextensie IDT Windows Installer Database Text Archive Format
476 Bestandsextensie IFOS Instant Format Opener Script Format
477 Bestandsextensie IJS J Interpretor Script Format
478 Bestandsextensie IL Euphoria Shrouded Source Code
479 Bestandsextensie ILK Incremental Linking Format
480 Bestandsextensie IML IntelliJ IDEA Module
481 Bestandsextensie INC Include Format
482 Bestandsextensie INL C++ Inline Format
483 Bestandsextensie INSPXEPROJ Intel Inspector Project Format
484 Bestandsextensie INSTALL Microsoft Expression Web Php Script Format
485 Bestandsextensie IPB IPhone Perl Script
486 Bestandsextensie IPCH Intellisense Precompiled Header Format
487 Bestandsextensie IPP Inline Guard Macro Format
488 Bestandsextensie IPPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio InfoPath Project
489 Bestandsextensie IPY IPython Script Format
490 Bestandsextensie IRB Interactive Ruby Script Format
491 Bestandsextensie IRBRC Ruby
492 Bestandsextensie IRC JIRCii Script
493 Bestandsextensie IREV Runtime Revolution Script
494 Bestandsextensie IROBO RoboMind Source Code
495 Bestandsextensie ISA Adobe Photoshop ImageReady Action
496 Bestandsextensie ISC Xilinx Device Configuration Format
497 Bestandsextensie ISE InstallShield Express Project Format
498 Bestandsextensie ISYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
499 Bestandsextensie ITCL Cygwin Iwidgets Scripts
500 Bestandsextensie ITMX XML Model Interchange Language Source Code Format
501 Bestandsextensie IWZ InstallShield Express 2 Project Format
502 Bestandsextensie J Java Source Format
503 Bestandsextensie JACL IBM WebSphere Server Script
504 Bestandsextensie JADE Jade Programming Language Source Code
505 Bestandsextensie JAK AHEAD Tool Suite Data Format
506 Bestandsextensie JAV Java Source Format
507 Bestandsextensie JAVA Java Source Code Format
508 Bestandsextensie JAVAJET Eclipse JET Java Template
509 Bestandsextensie JBP Jabaco Project Format
510 Bestandsextensie JCM Java Commerce Message
511 Bestandsextensie JCS Java Control Source
512 Bestandsextensie JCW JCreator Workspace Format
513 Bestandsextensie JDP BlackBerry JDE
514 Bestandsextensie JED Xilinx JEDEC Programming Format
515 Bestandsextensie JETINC Eclipse IDE Template Fragment
516 Bestandsextensie JEX JExpress Project Format
517 Bestandsextensie JGS QWS3270 PLUS Script
518 Bestandsextensie JI Join-Calculus Interface Source Code Format
519 Bestandsextensie JL Julia Source Code Format
520 Bestandsextensie JLC Byte Compiled Lisp-based Script
521 Bestandsextensie JMK JX Makefile Format
522 Bestandsextensie JML Java Modeling Language Specification
523 Bestandsextensie JNILIB JNI Library
524 Bestandsextensie JOMPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio JOOB Object Model Project
525 Bestandsextensie JPAGE Eclipse Java Scrapbook Page
526 Bestandsextensie JPD Java Process Definition
527 Bestandsextensie JPR JBuilder Project
528 Bestandsextensie JSA JRun Server Application
529 Bestandsextensie JSB JAWS Script Binary
530 Bestandsextensie JSCRIPT Microsoft JScript Source Code Format
531 Bestandsextensie JSDTSCOPE Eclipse JavaScript Development Data Format
532 Bestandsextensie JSFL Flash JavaScript Format
533 Bestandsextensie JSH JAWS Script Header Format
534 Bestandsextensie JSM JAWS Script Message
535 Bestandsextensie JSONP JSON-with-padding Source Code
536 Bestandsextensie JSPF Java Server Page Fragment
537 Bestandsextensie JSXINC ExtendScript Included Script Format
538 Bestandsextensie JTB JTB JavaCC Grammar
539 Bestandsextensie JU JU Source Code Format
540 Bestandsextensie JUDO JudoScript Source Code Format
541 Bestandsextensie JUG Jug Source Code Format
542 Bestandsextensie KB C++ Keyboard Script
543 Bestandsextensie KD Koara Source Code Format
544 Bestandsextensie KDEVDLG KDevelop Dialog Box Format
545 Bestandsextensie KDEVELOP KDevelop Project Data Format
546 Bestandsextensie KDEVPRJ KDevelop Project Format
547 Bestandsextensie KDMP Windows Crash Dump Format
548 Bestandsextensie KED KEDIT Profile And Macro Format
549 Bestandsextensie KEX KEDIT Profile Macro
550 Bestandsextensie KL3 KL3 Source Code Format
551 Bestandsextensie KMDI Kermeta
552 Bestandsextensie KMT Kermeta
553 Bestandsextensie KOMODO KMD
554 Bestandsextensie KT Kotlin Source Code Format
555 Bestandsextensie KTS Kotlin Source Code Format
556 Bestandsextensie KV Kivy Language Data Format
557 Bestandsextensie KX KiXtart Tokenized Script Format
558 Bestandsextensie L Lex Source Format
559 Bestandsextensie LAMP ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
560 Bestandsextensie LAP Scheme Source Code Format
561 Bestandsextensie LBI Dreamweaver Library Item
562 Bestandsextensie LBS Omnis Library
563 Bestandsextensie LDS Binutils LD Linker Script
564 Bestandsextensie LDZ Microsoft Visual Studio DSM Project
565 Bestandsextensie LGO Logo Instructions Format
566 Bestandsextensie LHS Literate Haskell Script
567 Bestandsextensie LICENSES Visual Studio Licensed Classes Format
568 Bestandsextensie LICX Visual Studio License Format
569 Bestandsextensie LIQUID Shopify Liquid Template
570 Bestandsextensie LISP Lisp Source Code Format
571 Bestandsextensie LIST JAR Index Format
572 Bestandsextensie LITCOFFEE Literate CoffeeScript Source Code Format
573 Bestandsextensie LMV Adobe Flash Source Code
574 Bestandsextensie LNP µVision Linker Input Format
575 Bestandsextensie LNT PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration Format
576 Bestandsextensie LOGIN UNIX Command
577 Bestandsextensie LOL LOLCODE Source Code FIle
578 Bestandsextensie LOLS LOLCODE Source Code
579 Bestandsextensie LPROJ Localized Project Folder
580 Bestandsextensie LPX LaTeXPiX Script
581 Bestandsextensie LRDB Photoshop Lightroom Database
582 Bestandsextensie LS1 Microsoft Winhelp Source
583 Bestandsextensie LS3PROJ Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Project Format
584 Bestandsextensie LSH Lush Source Code Format
585 Bestandsextensie LSP Lisp Program Source Code Format
586 Bestandsextensie LSPROJ Visual Studio LightSwitch Project
587 Bestandsextensie LSS LotusScript Source Code
588 Bestandsextensie LSXTPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Project Format
589 Bestandsextensie LUA Lua Source Format
590 Bestandsextensie LUAC Lua Compiled Source Code
591 Bestandsextensie LUB Lua Bytecode Format
592 Bestandsextensie LUCA Luca Template
593 Bestandsextensie LWA Lightwright Automated Action
594 Bestandsextensie LWMW Likno Web Modal Windows Builder
595 Bestandsextensie LXK COREX Lexicon Link-up
596 Bestandsextensie LXSPROJ Liquid XML Studio Project Format
597 Bestandsextensie M Objective-C Implementation Format
598 Bestandsextensie M2R Avaya Mib2Rules Perl Script
599 Bestandsextensie M4 Macro Processor Library
600 Bestandsextensie M51 ARM Keil Tools Linker Listing
601 Bestandsextensie MAGIK Magik Source Code Format
602 Bestandsextensie MAK Makefile
603 Bestandsextensie MAKE Xcode Makefile Script
604 Bestandsextensie MAKEFILE Makefile
605 Bestandsextensie MAKI Winamp MAKI Compiled Script
606 Bestandsextensie MAKO Mako Template
607 Bestandsextensie MAML Microsoft Assistance Markup Language
608 Bestandsextensie MARKDN Markdown Format
609 Bestandsextensie MARKDOWN Markdown Documentation Format
610 Bestandsextensie MASH Java
611 Bestandsextensie MATLAB Matlab Script
612 Bestandsextensie MBAM Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Script Format
613 Bestandsextensie MBAS MikroBasic Source Code
614 Bestandsextensie MBTEMMPLATE ModelBaker Custom Template Directory
615 Bestandsextensie MC Microsoft Windows Localized Message Table Resource
616 Bestandsextensie MCML Microsoft Windows Media Center MCML
617 Bestandsextensie MD Markdown Documentation Format
618 Bestandsextensie MDOWN Markdown Format
619 Bestandsextensie MDSP MinGW Developer Studio Project Format
620 Bestandsextensie MDZIP MagicDraw Project Archive
621 Bestandsextensie MEDIAWIKI Mediawiki Source
622 Bestandsextensie MF Java Manifest Format
623 Bestandsextensie MFA Multimedia Fusion Development Format
624 Bestandsextensie MFCRIBBON-MS MFC Ribbon Definition XML Format
625 Bestandsextensie MFPS Scientific Calculator Plus Script
626 Bestandsextensie MHL Media Hash List Format
627 Bestandsextensie MHM Microsoft Mouse And Keyboard Center Macro Format
628 Bestandsextensie MINGW32 Mingw Compiler
629 Bestandsextensie MK Makefile
630 Bestandsextensie MKB Marmalade SDK Project
631 Bestandsextensie MKE Microsoft Windows SDK Make
632 Bestandsextensie ML ML Source Code Format
633 Bestandsextensie MLI F# Source Code
634 Bestandsextensie MLN Alchemy Source
635 Bestandsextensie MLSXML Skype XML
636 Bestandsextensie MLY OCaml Ocamlyacc Input
637 Bestandsextensie MM Objective-C++ Source Format
638 Bestandsextensie MMBAS MindManager 7 Macro Format
639 Bestandsextensie MMCH CodeWarrior Compiled Hdr
640 Bestandsextensie MMH Dragon Age Model Mesh Heirarchy
641 Bestandsextensie MMJS Adobe JavaScript Document
642 Bestandsextensie MND AutoCAD Menu Compiler
643 Bestandsextensie MO Machine Object Format
644 Bestandsextensie MOC MOCHA Java Script
645 Bestandsextensie MOM Managed Object Model
646 Bestandsextensie MP? LoseThos Compiler Map
647 Bestandsextensie MPKT MOPEKS Trial
648 Bestandsextensie MPR FoxPro Generated Menu Program
649 Bestandsextensie MQ5 MetaQuotes Language 5 Source Code Format
650 Bestandsextensie MQT MetaQuotes Language 4 MQL4 Template
651 Bestandsextensie MRD MathRevolt Infinity Document
652 Bestandsextensie MRL MRLR Multimedia Retrival Markup Language
653 Bestandsextensie MSCR Rename Master Scrip
654 Bestandsextensie MSCT MOPEKS Script
655 Bestandsextensie MSDEV Microsoft Visual C+ Make
656 Bestandsextensie MSDL Manchester Scene Description Language
657 Bestandsextensie MSHA Microsoft Help Asset Format
658 Bestandsextensie MSHC Microsoft Help Container Format
659 Bestandsextensie MSHI Microsoft Help Index Format
660 Bestandsextensie MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language
661 Bestandsextensie MSVC Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Makefile
662 Bestandsextensie MSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
663 Bestandsextensie MVBA Bentley MicroStation VBA Project Format
664 Bestandsextensie MVPL Microsoft Visual Programming Language Project Format
665 Bestandsextensie MVX Multimedia Fusion Movement Extension
666 Bestandsextensie MXML Flex MXML Component
667 Bestandsextensie MYAPP Visual Studio Application XML Format
668 Bestandsextensie NAPJ Navicat Premium Batch Job Format
669 Bestandsextensie NAS Nasal Script
670 Bestandsextensie NB0 Google Android Compiled ROM Format
671 Bestandsextensie NBC Next Byte Codes Source Code Format
672 Bestandsextensie NBIN Compiled NASL Script
673 Bestandsextensie NCB Visual C++ IntelliSense Database
674 Bestandsextensie NED OMNeT++ Network Description Format
675 Bestandsextensie NEKO Neko Source Code Format
676 Bestandsextensie NETBOOT Unix Netboot Script
677 Bestandsextensie NETPROJECT Netfabb Basic Project Format
678 Bestandsextensie NFM Delphi .NET Form Format
679 Bestandsextensie NHS NHibernate
680 Bestandsextensie NIB Interface Builder User Interface Format
681 Bestandsextensie NIM Nimrod Source Code Format
682 Bestandsextensie NJ Nunjucks Template Format
683 Bestandsextensie NJK Nunjucks Template Format
684 Bestandsextensie NK NUKE Script
685 Bestandsextensie NLC Nero Linux Compilation
686 Bestandsextensie NLPJ Navicat For SQlite Batch Job Format
687 Bestandsextensie NMK Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility Make
688 Bestandsextensie NMPJ Navicat For MariaDB Batch Job Format
689 Bestandsextensie NNB ANNI Batch Script Format
690 Bestandsextensie NOPJ Navicat For Oracle Batch Job Format
691 Bestandsextensie NPPJ Navicat For PostgreSQL Batch Job Format
692 Bestandsextensie NQC Not Quite C Source Code Format
693 Bestandsextensie NSCONFIG Nsconfig Authentication Data Format
694 Bestandsextensie NSE Nmap Security Scanner Scripting Engine
695 Bestandsextensie NSH NSIS Header Format
696 Bestandsextensie NSI NSIS Script
697 Bestandsextensie NSPJ Navicat For SQL Server Batch Job Format
698 Bestandsextensie NUNIT NUnit Test Project Format
699 Bestandsextensie NUNJ Nunjucks Template Format
700 Bestandsextensie NUNJS Nunjucks Template Format
701 Bestandsextensie NUNJUCKS Nunjucks Template Format
702 Bestandsextensie NUPKG NuGet Package
703 Bestandsextensie NUSPEC NuGet Specification Format
704 Bestandsextensie NXC Not EXactly C Source Code Format
705 Bestandsextensie O Compiled Object Format
706 Bestandsextensie OBR Borland C++ Object Browser Data
707 Bestandsextensie OCA Custom Control Library Type Format
708 Bestandsextensie OCAMLMAKEFILE Caml Programming Language Makefile
709 Bestandsextensie OCB Origin Precompiled Origin C
710 Bestandsextensie OCTEST Xcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle
711 Bestandsextensie OCX ActiveX Control
712 Bestandsextensie ODH Microsoft Visual Studio Interface Definition Language
713 Bestandsextensie ODL Object Description Language Format
714 Bestandsextensie OGL ATI Overlay Source Code
715 Bestandsextensie OGR OGR C++ Open Source Library
716 Bestandsextensie OKS OKScript
717 Bestandsextensie OMO OMake Object Format
718 Bestandsextensie OPLM Outline Processor Markup Language
719 Bestandsextensie OPPO Oppo Core Data Format
720 Bestandsextensie ORDEREDTEST Visual Studio Ordered Test Format
721 Bestandsextensie ORL Object-Relational Language
722 Bestandsextensie OS ObjectScript Source Format
723 Bestandsextensie OSAS Apple Script Library Tani Script
724 Bestandsextensie OSG OSGJS JSON Input
725 Bestandsextensie OW Free Pascal 1.0.x Object Format
726 Bestandsextensie OWL OWL Source Code Format
727 Bestandsextensie OWX OutWit Hub Script Format
728 Bestandsextensie OX Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language
729 Bestandsextensie OXYGENE Oxygene Project Format
730 Bestandsextensie P Pascal Source Code
731 Bestandsextensie P4A Python For Android Script Format
732 Bestandsextensie P5 Perl Script Language Source Code Format
733 Bestandsextensie P6 Perl 6 Source Code Format
734 Bestandsextensie PAG Visual Basic Property PAGe
735 Bestandsextensie PARAM CASTEP Scripts
736 Bestandsextensie PAS Pascal Source Format
737 Bestandsextensie PAWN Pawn Scripting Language Source Code Format
738 Bestandsextensie PB PureBasic Source Format
739 Bestandsextensie PBG Pixel Bender Graph Format
740 Bestandsextensie PBJ Pixel Bender Bytecode Format
741 Bestandsextensie PBL PowerBASIC Library
742 Bestandsextensie PBPROJ Project Builder Project
743 Bestandsextensie PBQ PunkBuster Query Script
744 Bestandsextensie PBXBTREE Xcode Auto-Complete Format
745 Bestandsextensie PBXPROJ Xcode Project Data Format
746 Bestandsextensie PBXUSER Xcode Project User Data Format
747 Bestandsextensie PCH Precompiled Header Format
748 Bestandsextensie PCP Windows Installer Patch Creation Properties Format
749 Bestandsextensie PDE Processing Development Environment Source Code Format
750 Bestandsextensie PDM VB Project Information Format
751 Bestandsextensie PDML Packet Details Markup Language
752 Bestandsextensie PERL Perl Source
753 Bestandsextensie PERLCTRL Perl Dev Kit PerlCtrl Project Format
754 Bestandsextensie PERLNET Perl Dev Kit PerlNET Project Format
755 Bestandsextensie PERLSVC Perl Dev Kit Project Format
756 Bestandsextensie PERLTRAY Perl Dev Kit PerlTray Project Format
757 Bestandsextensie PF0 SmartWare Project Source Code
758 Bestandsextensie PF1 SmartWare Project Source Code
759 Bestandsextensie PF4 SmartWare Project Source Code
760 Bestandsextensie PF? SmartWare Project Source
761 Bestandsextensie PFG JEEPers Program Configuration Format
762 Bestandsextensie PGML Precision Graphics Markup Language Format Format Format
763 Bestandsextensie PGX Visual Basic Binary Property Page Format
764 Bestandsextensie PH Perl Header Format
765 Bestandsextensie PHP1 PHP1 Auto
766 Bestandsextensie PHP6 Microsoft Expression Web Php Script Format
767 Bestandsextensie PHPPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio PHP Project Format
768 Bestandsextensie PHPS PHP Script Source Code
769 Bestandsextensie PHPT PHP Test Suite
770 Bestandsextensie PICKLE Python Pickle Format
771 Bestandsextensie PIKA Pika Software Builder Project Format
772 Bestandsextensie PJX FoxPro Project
773 Bestandsextensie PL Perl Script
774 Bestandsextensie PL6 Perl Script Language Source Code Format
775 Bestandsextensie PL7 PL7-07 Application Format
776 Bestandsextensie PLAC Plac Script Format
777 Bestandsextensie PLAYGROUND Apple Xcode Playground Data Format
778 Bestandsextensie PLC PL/B Source Format
779 Bestandsextensie PLE Messenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log Format
780 Bestandsextensie PLI PL/I Source Code Format
781 Bestandsextensie PLOG PLog Programming Language Source Code Format
782 Bestandsextensie PLTSUITE Safari Page Load Test Suite Format
783 Bestandsextensie PM Perl Module
784 Bestandsextensie PMQ Microsoft Target Analyzer Format
785 Bestandsextensie PNPROJ Programmers Notepad Project Format
786 Bestandsextensie PNPT Programmers Notepad Project Template Format
787 Bestandsextensie PO Portable Object
788 Bestandsextensie POC Pocomail PocoScript
789 Bestandsextensie POD Perl POD Format
790 Bestandsextensie POIX Point Of Interest Exchange Data Format
791 Bestandsextensie POM Maven Build Format
792 Bestandsextensie POU PLCEdit Program Organisation Unit
793 Bestandsextensie PP1 Free Pascal Compiled Unit Data Format
794 Bestandsextensie PPC Mobile Data Studio Project Format
795 Bestandsextensie PPL Free Pascal Dynamic Library
796 Bestandsextensie PPU Free Pascal Unit Format
797 Bestandsextensie PQL VisualPQL Source Code Format
798 Bestandsextensie PRI Qt Project Include Format
799 Bestandsextensie PROJECT Eclipse Project Settings Format
800 Bestandsextensie PROTO Protocol Buffer Format
801 Bestandsextensie PSC2 Microsoft Windows PowerShell Script
802 Bestandsextensie PSD1 Windows PowerShell Data Format
803 Bestandsextensie PSESS Visual Studio Performance Session Format
804 Bestandsextensie PSGI PSGI Script Format
805 Bestandsextensie PSM1 Windows PowerShell Script Module Format
806 Bestandsextensie PSML Packet Summary Markup Language
807 Bestandsextensie PSPSCRIPT Corel Paint Shop Pro Script
808 Bestandsextensie PTL Python Template Language Format
809 Bestandsextensie PTXML Microsoft Windows DLL XML Related
810 Bestandsextensie PTY Rational Property Set
811 Bestandsextensie PWN Pawn Source Code Format
812 Bestandsextensie PXD Pyrex Definition Format
813 Bestandsextensie PXML OpenPandora XML
814 Bestandsextensie PY Python Script
815 Bestandsextensie PYD Python Dynamic Module
816 Bestandsextensie PYM PYM Macro Preprocessor Format
817 Bestandsextensie PYPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Python Project Format
818 Bestandsextensie PYW Python GUI Source Format
819 Bestandsextensie PYX Pyrex Source Code Format
820 Bestandsextensie QCF Microsoft QBasic Coordinates
821 Bestandsextensie QLM QuickField LabelMover Script Format
822 Bestandsextensie QPR FoxPro Generated Query Program
823 Bestandsextensie QS Qt Script Format
824 Bestandsextensie QSC Kaleidagraph Script
825 Bestandsextensie QT3D Qt 3D Data Format
826 Bestandsextensie QVS QlikView Script Format
827 Bestandsextensie QX Quexal Source Code
828 Bestandsextensie QXM Quexal Macro Format
829 Bestandsextensie R Rez Source Code Format
830 Bestandsextensie RAKE Ruby Makefile
831 Bestandsextensie RAKEFILE Ruby Makefile
832 Bestandsextensie RAPC Java 2 ME Unit
833 Bestandsextensie RB Ruby Source Code
834 Bestandsextensie RBP Real Studio Project Format
835 Bestandsextensie RBVCP Real Studio Version Controlled Project
836 Bestandsextensie RBW Ruby
837 Bestandsextensie RBXS ROBLOX Script
838 Bestandsextensie RC Resource Script
839 Bestandsextensie RC2 Visual Studio Resources Format
840 Bestandsextensie RC3 Visual C Resource
841 Bestandsextensie RCC Resource Script Format
842 Bestandsextensie RDLC Visual Studio Client Report Definition Format
843 Bestandsextensie RDOC RubyDoc Script
844 Bestandsextensie RE Python Regular Expressions Source Code
845 Bestandsextensie REB REBOL Script Format
846 Bestandsextensie REFRESH Visual Studio Refresh Format
847 Bestandsextensie REJ Mercurial Reject
848 Bestandsextensie RES C++ Complied Resource Script
849 Bestandsextensie RESJSON Windows JavaScript Resources Format
850 Bestandsextensie RESOURCES Visual Studio Resource Format
851 Bestandsextensie RESW Windows Resources Format
852 Bestandsextensie RESX .NET Managed Resources Format
853 Bestandsextensie REXX Rexx Language Source Code Format
854 Bestandsextensie RFS RealFlow Script
855 Bestandsextensie RGUNINST RealArcade Uninstall Script
856 Bestandsextensie RH C++ Resource Header
857 Bestandsextensie RIDL RAD Studio Active X RIDL Data Format
858 Bestandsextensie RISE RISE Editor Model Format
859 Bestandsextensie RKT Racket Information Module
860 Bestandsextensie RMN Oracle Recovery Manager Script
861 Bestandsextensie RNC RELAX NG Compact Syntax Format
862 Bestandsextensie RNW Sweave Source
863 Bestandsextensie ROB Wintask Compiled Program
864 Bestandsextensie ROBO RoboMind Source Code
865 Bestandsextensie RODL RemObjects Definition Language Format
866 Bestandsextensie ROR Resources Of A Resource Format Format Format
867 Bestandsextensie ROTEST RemObjects SDK Test Format
868 Bestandsextensie ROTESTRESULT RemObjects SDK Test Results Format
869 Bestandsextensie RPG The RPG Programming Language
870 Bestandsextensie RPRES RStudio Presentation Format
871 Bestandsextensie RPROFILE Quick-R R Programming Language Configuration
872 Bestandsextensie RPROJ RStudio Project Format
873 Bestandsextensie RPTPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Report Project
874 Bestandsextensie RPY Python Script
875 Bestandsextensie RPYC RenPy Game Engine Compiled Script Format
876 Bestandsextensie RQB RapidQ Quellcode Data Format
877 Bestandsextensie RQY Microsoft Excel OLE DB Query
878 Bestandsextensie RRC BlackBerry Java Resource Content
879 Bestandsextensie RRH BlackBerry Resource Header
880 Bestandsextensie RSL Robot Scripting Language
881 Bestandsextensie RSRC Macintosh Resource Format
882 Bestandsextensie RSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
883 Bestandsextensie RTML Runeberg Text Markup Language Document Format
884 Bestandsextensie RU Java Russian Font Properties Format
885 Bestandsextensie RUB JQuery Rules
886 Bestandsextensie RUL InstallShield Rules Format
887 Bestandsextensie RULE Visual C++ Project Rules
888 Bestandsextensie RVB Rhinoceros 3D Visual Basic Script
889 Bestandsextensie RWS Borland C++ Resource Workshop Symbol Format
890 Bestandsextensie RWSNIPPET RapidWeaver Snippet Format
891 Bestandsextensie RXS RSIGuard RSIScript
892 Bestandsextensie S Source Code Format
893 Bestandsextensie S19 Motorola S19 Format Record
894 Bestandsextensie S2S Spike2 Script
895 Bestandsextensie S43 IAR Assembly Source
896 Bestandsextensie S4E Airplay SDK Header
897 Bestandsextensie SAAS Sass Indented Syntax
898 Bestandsextensie SAL SQL Application Language
899 Bestandsextensie SAS SAS Program Format
900 Bestandsextensie SASF NASA Spacecraft Activity Sequence Format
901 Bestandsextensie SASS Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Indented Syntax
902 Bestandsextensie SAX Sedona Framework XML Application
903 Bestandsextensie SB Scratch Project Format
904 Bestandsextensie SBML Systems Biology Markup Language Source
905 Bestandsextensie SBPROJ OpenGL Shader Builder Project
906 Bestandsextensie SBR Visual Studio Source Browser Intermediate Format
907 Bestandsextensie SCALA Scala Source
908 Bestandsextensie SCC SourceSafe Source Code Control Format
909 Bestandsextensie SCONSTRUCT SCons Makefile
910 Bestandsextensie SCPTD AppleScript Script Bundle
911 Bestandsextensie SCRATCH Scratch Project Format
912 Bestandsextensie SCRIPT EDITOR Apple Mac OS X AppleScript Script
913 Bestandsextensie SCRIPTSUITE AppleScript Script Suite Format
914 Bestandsextensie SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY AppleScript Script Terminology Format
915 Bestandsextensie SCRO Amira Script Object
916 Bestandsextensie SCSS Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Syntax
917 Bestandsextensie SDEF AppleScript Dictionary Document
918 Bestandsextensie SDSB Spybot Compiled Script Format
919 Bestandsextensie SEMAN Xtext Semantics
920 Bestandsextensie SETUP CryENGINE Character Setup Format
921 Bestandsextensie SH Bash Shell Script
922 Bestandsextensie SHFB Sandcastle Help Format Builder Project Format
923 Bestandsextensie SHFBPROJ Sandcastle Help Format Builder Project Format
924 Bestandsextensie SHIT Bourne Shell Server Page
925 Bestandsextensie SIMBA Simba Script Format
926 Bestandsextensie SIMPLE Simple Compiler Source Code
927 Bestandsextensie SJAVA Synchronous Java Format
928 Bestandsextensie SJC Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller Definition
929 Bestandsextensie SLACKBUILD Slackware Linux Script
930 Bestandsextensie SLIM Slim Script
931 Bestandsextensie SLL Static Link Library
932 Bestandsextensie SLN Visual Studio Solution Format
933 Bestandsextensie SLOGO StarLogo Project Format
934 Bestandsextensie SLOGT StarLogo Project Template
935 Bestandsextensie SLTNG StarLogo TNG Project Format
936 Bestandsextensie SMA AMX Mod Plugin Source Format
937 Bestandsextensie SMALI Android Smali Assembly Language Format
938 Bestandsextensie SMW SIMPL Windows Source
939 Bestandsextensie SNAPX Snapform XML Form
940 Bestandsextensie SNIPPET Visual Studio IntelliSense Code Snippet
941 Bestandsextensie SNO Snobol4 Language Source Code Format
942 Bestandsextensie SP? LoseThos C+ Source
943 Bestandsextensie SPEC RPM Specification Format
944 Bestandsextensie SQLDATAPROVIDER DotNetNuke Script
945 Bestandsextensie SQLJET Eclipse JET SQL Template
946 Bestandsextensie SQLPROJ Visual Studio SQL Server Project
947 Bestandsextensie SQO Squeak Object Format
948 Bestandsextensie SRC Source Code
949 Bestandsextensie SRCRPM Red Hat Package Manager Source Format
950 Bestandsextensie SRZ DataFlex Source
951 Bestandsextensie SSC SourceSafe Status Format
952 Bestandsextensie SSI Adobe Dreamweaver Server Side Include Format
953 Bestandsextensie SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language Source
954 Bestandsextensie STORYBOARD Interface Builder Storyboard Document
955 Bestandsextensie STUFFIT11TASK Stuffit Scheduler Task Format
956 Bestandsextensie STYL Stylus CSS Script
957 Bestandsextensie SUD Super Project Analyzer Format
958 Bestandsextensie SUO Visual Studio Solution User Options Format
959 Bestandsextensie SUS Synergy Accounts Update Script
960 Bestandsextensie SVN-BASE Subversion Base Format
961 Bestandsextensie SVO STATISTICA Macro
962 Bestandsextensie SWC Flex Components Archive
963 Bestandsextensie SWD Flash Debug Format
964 Bestandsextensie SWG SWAG Pascal Snippets (SWAG Reader)
965 Bestandsextensie SWIFT Apple Swift Programming Language Source Code
966 Bestandsextensie SXS SAS Stat Studio Module Source Code
967 Bestandsextensie SXV Action Repeater Macro
968 Bestandsextensie SYM Symbols Format
969 Bestandsextensie SYNW-PROJ SynWrite Project Format
970 Bestandsextensie SYP SYP Source
971 Bestandsextensie T Turing Source Code Format
972 Bestandsextensie TARGETS MSBuild Targets Format
973 Bestandsextensie TATXTT ThinBasic Template Format
974 Bestandsextensie TBASIC ThinBasic Script Format
975 Bestandsextensie TBASICC ThinBasic Script Format
976 Bestandsextensie TBASICX ThinBasic Script Format
977 Bestandsextensie TCL Tcl Script
978 Bestandsextensie TCSH Unix Shell Script
979 Bestandsextensie TDO Xilinx Text Design Output Data Format
980 Bestandsextensie TDS Borland Turbo Debugger Symbol Table Format
981 Bestandsextensie TEA Tea Source
982 Bestandsextensie TEM Borland C++ Turbo Editor Macro Language Script
983 Bestandsextensie TESTRUNCONFIG Visual Studio Test Run Configuration Format
984 Bestandsextensie TESTSETTINGS Visual Studio Test Settings Format
985 Bestandsextensie TEXINFO Texinfo Source
986 Bestandsextensie TEXTFACTORY BBEdit Text Factory
987 Bestandsextensie TGML Tecumseh Group Markup Language
988 Bestandsextensie TGPROJ RAD Studio Design Project Format
989 Bestandsextensie THOR Thor Source Code Format
990 Bestandsextensie THTML THTML Format
991 Bestandsextensie TI Timber Compiler
992 Bestandsextensie TIKZ Matlab Tikz Script
993 Bestandsextensie TILEMAP XML Tilemap Format
994 Bestandsextensie TIPROGRAM TI-Basic Program Format
995 Bestandsextensie TK Tk Script
996 Bestandsextensie TKP MicroImages SML Script Standalone Application
997 Bestandsextensie TLD Tag Library Descriptor Format
998 Bestandsextensie TLH Typelib Generated C/C++ Header Format
999 Bestandsextensie TLI Typelib Generated C/C++ Inline Format
1000 Bestandsextensie TMH Trace Message Header
1001 Bestandsextensie TMLANGUAGE TextMate Language Grammar Format
1002 Bestandsextensie TMPROJ TextMate Project Format
1003 Bestandsextensie TMPROJECT TextMate Project
1004 Bestandsextensie TNS TI-Nspire Document
1005 Bestandsextensie TOKEND Smart Card Support Mac
1006 Bestandsextensie TOML TOML Source Code Format
1007 Bestandsextensie TPLT Molly Template Format
1008 Bestandsextensie TPU Turbo Pascal Unit
1009 Bestandsextensie TQL Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyser Header
1010 Bestandsextensie TRANSCRIPTSTYLE Apple IChat Transcript Style
1011 Bestandsextensie TRIG RDF Serialization Format Format
1012 Bestandsextensie TRT Team Sports Scheduling System Report Template
1013 Bestandsextensie TRU True Basic Source
1014 Bestandsextensie TRX Visual Studio Test Results Format
1015 Bestandsextensie TS0 Tio32 Script
1016 Bestandsextensie TT Visual Studio Text Template
1017 Bestandsextensie TTINCLUDE Microsoft Visual Studio Text Template Format
1018 Bestandsextensie TU Turing Source Format
1019 Bestandsextensie TUR Turing Program Source Format
1020 Bestandsextensie TURBOC3 Borland Turbo C Makefile
1021 Bestandsextensie TWIG Twig Source
1022 Bestandsextensie TXML Commerce EXtensible Markup Language Format
1023 Bestandsextensie TXX Insight Segmentation And Registration Toolkit
1024 Bestandsextensie TZS TUGZip Script Format
1025 Bestandsextensie UCB Unstoppable Copier Batch Scirpt Format
1026 Bestandsextensie UI User Interface Format
1027 Bestandsextensie UIT UIX XML Template
1028 Bestandsextensie UIX UiXML Page
1029 Bestandsextensie ULP EAGLE Script
1030 Bestandsextensie UML UML Data Object Model
1031 Bestandsextensie UMLCLASS UML Class Model
1032 Bestandsextensie UMP UModel Project
1033 Bestandsextensie USI UsiXML UI Description
1034 Bestandsextensie UVPRJX µVision Project Format
1035 Bestandsextensie UVPROJ µVision4 Project
1036 Bestandsextensie UVPROJX µVision Project Format
1037 Bestandsextensie V Verilog Source Code Format
1038 Bestandsextensie V3S Visual3D Pipeline
1039 Bestandsextensie V4E Microsoft Windows Script Host
1040 Bestandsextensie V4S Microsoft Windows Script Host
1041 Bestandsextensie VALA Vala Source Code Format
1042 Bestandsextensie VAR Variable Data
1043 Bestandsextensie VBG Visual Basic Project Group Format
1044 Bestandsextensie VBI IntelliCAD VBA Script
1045 Bestandsextensie VBP Visual Basic Project Format
1046 Bestandsextensie VBPROJ Visual Studio Visual Basic Project
1047 Bestandsextensie VBX Visual Basic Custom Control
1048 Bestandsextensie VBZ Visual Basic Project Template
1049 Bestandsextensie VC Verge Code Format
1050 Bestandsextensie VC15 Microsoft Visual C 1.5 Make
1051 Bestandsextensie VC2 Microsoft Visual C
1052 Bestandsextensie VC5 Microsoft Visual C Make
1053 Bestandsextensie VC7 Microsoft Visual C Makefile
1054 Bestandsextensie VCP EMbedded Visual C++ Project Format
1055 Bestandsextensie VCPROJ Visual C++ Project Format
1056 Bestandsextensie VCWIN32 Visual C Make
1057 Bestandsextensie VCXPROJ Visual C++ Project
1058 Bestandsextensie VD PwrDev Visual Designer Project
1059 Bestandsextensie VDDPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Deployment Project
1060 Bestandsextensie VDM VDM Specification Format
1061 Bestandsextensie VDP Visual Studio Deployment Project
1062 Bestandsextensie VDPROJ Visual Studio Setup And Deployment Project
1063 Bestandsextensie VFPROJ Visual Studio Intel Fortran Project Format
1064 Bestandsextensie VGC ViziGen Code Generation Template
1065 Bestandsextensie VIW Microsoft SQL Server View Script
1066 Bestandsextensie VJP Microsoft Visual J++ Project Format
1067 Bestandsextensie VLS Visual Localize Script
1068 Bestandsextensie VM Velocity Template
1069 Bestandsextensie VPC ViziGen Configuration Format
1070 Bestandsextensie VSMACROS Visual Studio Binary Macro Project
1071 Bestandsextensie VSMDI Visual Studio Test Metadata Format
1072 Bestandsextensie VSMPROJ Visual Studio Text Macro Project
1073 Bestandsextensie VSPF Visual Studio Performance Filter Format
1074 Bestandsextensie VSPOLICY Microsoft Visual Studio Policy Description Language
1075 Bestandsextensie VSPS Visual Studio Serialized Performance Report
1076 Bestandsextensie VSPSCC Visual Studio Project Source Control Format
1077 Bestandsextensie VSPX Visual Studio Performance Report Data Format
1078 Bestandsextensie VSSSCC Visual Studio Solution Source Control Format
1079 Bestandsextensie VSTEMPLATE Microsoft Visual Studio Project Template
1080 Bestandsextensie VSZ Visual Studio Wizard Format
1081 Bestandsextensie VTM Visual Tool Markup Language Document
1082 Bestandsextensie VTML Visual Tool Markup Language Format
1083 Bestandsextensie VTV Adobe Dreamweaver Validator Configuration Format
1084 Bestandsextensie W OpenEdge Architect Source Code Format
1085 Bestandsextensie W32 Win32 Makefile
1086 Bestandsextensie WAS ProComm Source Script Format
1087 Bestandsextensie WBF Microsoft Windows Batch
1088 Bestandsextensie WDGTPROJ Dashcode Widget Project
1089 Bestandsextensie WDI WINDEV Component Description
1090 Bestandsextensie WDK WINDEV Component
1091 Bestandsextensie WDL World Definition Language Script
1092 Bestandsextensie WDPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Web Deployment Project
1093 Bestandsextensie WDW WinDev Window Format
1094 Bestandsextensie WDX9 Microsoft Word For Mac Wizard
1095 Bestandsextensie WFS Microsoft Windows Installation Script
1096 Bestandsextensie WIKI Wiki Markup Source
1097 Bestandsextensie WIN32MANIFEST Microsoft Win32 Manifest
1098 Bestandsextensie WIQ Visual Studio Work Item Query Format
1099 Bestandsextensie WIXOUT WiX XML Output
1100 Bestandsextensie WLI WL Intermediate Data Format
1101 Bestandsextensie WMC Corel WordPerfect Macro
1102 Bestandsextensie WMLC Wireless Markup Language Bytecode Document (WAP)
1103 Bestandsextensie WMLS Wireless Markup Language Script Format (WAP)
1104 Bestandsextensie WMLSC Wireless Markup Language (WAP) Bytecode Script
1105 Bestandsextensie WMW Likno Web Modal Windows Builder
1106 Bestandsextensie WOD Apple WebObjects Web Application Method
1107 Bestandsextensie WORKSHEET BBEdit Shell Worksheet Format
1108 Bestandsextensie WOWPROJ AddOn Studio Project Format
1109 Bestandsextensie WSC Windows Script Component
1110 Bestandsextensie WSDD Apache Axis Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD)
1111 Bestandsextensie WSIL IBM Web Services Inspection Language
1112 Bestandsextensie WSP SharePoint Solution Package
1113 Bestandsextensie WSPD WebsitePainter For Mac Project Format
1114 Bestandsextensie WSRMAC Windows Speech Recognition Macro Format
1115 Bestandsextensie WSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
1116 Bestandsextensie WXI WiX Include
1117 Bestandsextensie WXL WiX Localization
1118 Bestandsextensie WXS Code::Blocks XML
1119 Bestandsextensie WZS Microsoft Word Wizard
1120 Bestandsextensie XAML Windows Markup Format
1121 Bestandsextensie XBD JAXB Schema
1122 Bestandsextensie XBLR Output Raw XBRL
1123 Bestandsextensie XBS XnView Script Format
1124 Bestandsextensie XCAPPDATA Xcode App Data Format
1125 Bestandsextensie XCARCHIVE Xcode Archive
1126 Bestandsextensie XCDATAMODEL Xcode Core Data Model Format
1127 Bestandsextensie XCDATAMODELD Xcode Core Data Model Format
1128 Bestandsextensie XCL XTree For Windows Script
1129 Bestandsextensie XCODE Xcode Project
1130 Bestandsextensie XCODEPROJ Xcode Project
1131 Bestandsextensie XCP XLNT Script Command
1132 Bestandsextensie XCSNAPSHOTS Xcode Snapshot
1133 Bestandsextensie XCWORKSPACE Xcode Workspace Format
1134 Bestandsextensie XDA Sencha Architect Project
1135 Bestandsextensie XFM OmniForm XML
1136 Bestandsextensie XIB Interface Builder Format
1137 Bestandsextensie XIG XML Instance Generator
1138 Bestandsextensie XIN OmniMark Include
1139 Bestandsextensie XJB OEPE JAXB Wizard Bindings
1140 Bestandsextensie XJE XJEase Source Code Format
1141 Bestandsextensie XLM3 Microsoft Excel 3 For Mac Macro
1142 Bestandsextensie XLM4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Macro
1143 Bestandsextensie XLM_ Microsoft Excel 2 For Mac Macro
1144 Bestandsextensie XME GME
1145 Bestandsextensie XML-LOG XML Log Format
1146 Bestandsextensie XMLA XML For Analysis Source
1147 Bestandsextensie XMLJET Eclipse JET XML Template
1148 Bestandsextensie XMSC FileMaker Script Format
1149 Bestandsextensie XMSS FileMaker Script Format
1150 Bestandsextensie XMTA Microsoft Visual Studio XMTA Document
1151 Bestandsextensie XN Cygnus Ld-scripts
1152 Bestandsextensie XNF Extensible Numerical
1153 Bestandsextensie XOJO_BINARY_PROJECT Xojo Binary Project
1154 Bestandsextensie XOJO_PROJECT Xojo Programming Project
1155 Bestandsextensie XOJO_XML_PROJECT Xojo XML Project Format
1156 Bestandsextensie XOML Windows Workflow Format
1157 Bestandsextensie XPB XPB! Basic Source Code
1158 Bestandsextensie XPGT EPUB XML Stylesheet Page Template
1159 Bestandsextensie XPP X++ Source Code Format
1160 Bestandsextensie XPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio ASP.NET Project Format
1161 Bestandsextensie XQ XQuery Format
1162 Bestandsextensie XQL XML Query Language Format
1163 Bestandsextensie XQM XQuery Module
1164 Bestandsextensie XQR XML Query Language For DB2 Data Format
1165 Bestandsextensie XQUERY XQuery Source Code Format
1166 Bestandsextensie XQY XQuery Source Format
1167 Bestandsextensie XR Cygnus Ld-scripts
1168 Bestandsextensie XRC WxWidgets WxPython Resource
1169 Bestandsextensie XSCSCPT Transcribe! Script Format
1170 Bestandsextensie XSD XML Schema Definition
1171 Bestandsextensie XSQL Oracle XSQL Servlet Server Side
1172 Bestandsextensie XSX Visual Studio XML Schema Layout Format
1173 Bestandsextensie XT Xdebug Trace Format
1174 Bestandsextensie XTXT Xtext
1175 Bestandsextensie XWEB3MASTER Microsoft Expression Web Master Page Format
1176 Bestandsextensie XWEB4ASAX Microsoft Expression Web Server App Format
1177 Bestandsextensie XWEB4HTT Microsoft Expression Web Hypertext Template Format
1178 Bestandsextensie XWEB4JS Microsoft Expression Web JScript Script Format
1179 Bestandsextensie XWEB4STM Microsoft Expression Web STM Document Format
1180 Bestandsextensie Y Yacc Source Format
1181 Bestandsextensie YAB Yabasic Source Code
1182 Bestandsextensie YAJL YAJL Script
1183 Bestandsextensie YAML YAML Document
1184 Bestandsextensie YML YAML Document
1185 Bestandsextensie YML2 YML Script
1186 Bestandsextensie YMP YaST Metapackage Format
1187 Bestandsextensie YPR BYOB Project Format
1188 Bestandsextensie YXX Bison Source Code Format
1189 Bestandsextensie YYP GameMaker Studio Project Format
1190 Bestandsextensie ZASM Zero Compiler Assembly Source
1191 Bestandsextensie ZCLS Zero Compiler Class
1192 Bestandsextensie ZCODE Z-Suite Code Format
1193 Bestandsextensie ZERO Zero Compiler Project
1194 Bestandsextensie ZFD ABC Zeroadic Functions Data Format
1195 Bestandsextensie ZFRM Zero Form Designer
1196 Bestandsextensie ZH_TW Netscape Communicator Java Classes
1197 Bestandsextensie ZPD ABC Zeroadic Predicates
1198 Bestandsextensie ZPK Zend Studio Deployment Application Package
1199 Bestandsextensie ZRX ZOC REXX Script Format
1200 Bestandsextensie ZSH Unix Shell Script
1201 Bestandsextensie ZSRC Zero Source
1202 Bestandsextensie ZWS ZiLOG Developer Studio Workspace
1203 Bestandsextensie ~DF Delphi Form Backup
1204 Bestandsextensie ~PA Delphi Pascal Backup